955 Bancroft Drive
Sudbury, ON P3B 1P8
(705) 524-8189
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Supervisor Health And Safety 5 Step Awareness Training

This 60 minute module is in compliance with the OHSA rules and regulations and it also exceeds MOL (Ministry of Labour) mandatory training requirements


If your company is looking for group rates, please contact our office and one of our consultants will be happy to provide a quote.


This 60 minute module is in compliance with the OHSA rules and regulations and it also exceeds MOL (Ministry of Labour) mandatory training requirements

OHSA (Occupational Health & Safety Act) I designed to protect the workers against the health and safety hazards in the workplace. It will spell out all the rights and responsibilities of all the parties.

The Supervisor Health & Safety Awareness program will assist supervisors in identifying and explaining their key role and the fundamental principles for day-to-day administration of the OHSA issues.

This program will help supervisors identify and interpret the major components of the OHSA. The supervisors need to be able to relate the components back to their work environment; also they need to be able to interpret the guidelines.

Course Overview

  • Defines duties, roles and responsibilities of a Supervisor
  • Identifies seriousness of complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Definitions in accordance to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Reviews Internal Responsibility System
  • Defines duties of Employers in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Defines duties of Workers in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Defines the “3 Rights” of workers
  • Identifies Ministry of Labour powers of enforcement
  • Reviews safe work practices
  • Reviews knowing the hazards in your workplace
  • Reviews helpful resources for Health and Safety consulting