Joint Health and Safety Certification
JHSC 1 Learning Objectives
- Explain their role as a certified member
- Explain the roles of workplace parties
- Identify health and safety legislation, and demonstrate how to access it
- Explain basic rights, responsibilities, and training requirements
- Describe the purpose, legal requirements for, and rights and duties of the JHSC and its members
- Describe how a functioning JHSC works
- Describe the basic process of recognizing, assessing, controlling, and evaluating hazards
- Explain hazard recognition and the process of workplace inspections
- Describe methods of hazard assessment, control, and evaluation
- Practice recognizing, assessing, controlling, and evaluating hazard controls
- State the requirements for investigating accidents
JHSC 2 Learning Objectives
- Describe key concepts from JHSC Part I
- Describe the process of hazard recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation
- Apply recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation principles to each hazard module
- Create a draft action plan and recommendations